许希军1,林见烽1,罗雄伟1,赵经纬2,霍延平 摘要:本文综述了NASICON型Na1+xZr2SixP3-xO12固态电解质在钠金属电池领域的研究进展。重点介绍了该固态电解质的晶体结构、离子传导特性及其在提高电池安全性能方面的潜力。同时,探讨了其在钠金属电池中的应用前景与挑战。识别上方二维码或点击文末左下角“阅读原文”查看...
Crystal structures and crystal chemistry in the system Na1+xZr2SixP3xO12 As part of a search for skeleton structures for fast alkali-ion transport, the system Na 1+xZr 2Si xP 3xO 12 has been prepared, analyzed structurally and ion exchanged reversibly with Li +, Ag +, and K + ions....
Neutron Rietveld analysis of structural changes in NASICON solid solutions Na1+xZr2SixP3xO12at elevated temperatures:x=1.6 and 2.0 at 320°C Prince, B.J. Wuensch (1986). Neutron Rietveld analysis of structural changes in NASICON solid solutions Na1+xZr2SixP3-xO12 at elevated temperatures: x=...
Mixed crystals of the Nasicon composition Na1+xZr2SixP3−xO120.4⩽x⩽2.8 cannot be prepared as pure monophases because free ZrO2 always occurs as an impurity. In this paper a new solid solution is presented which is defined by the end compounds NaZr2P3O12 and Na4ZrSi3O10. Mixed ...
For the purpose of a precise evaluation of the electrochemical values the specific heats of ZrP 2O 7 and Na 2ZrSi 2O 7 have also been determined. A thermodynamic mixture model is constructed showing that the solid solution is entropy stabilized. The energetic interaction has a destabilizing ...
Electrical conductivity of Na1+xZr2SixP3?xO12Experimental/ ionic conduction in solidsphosphorus compoundssilicon compoundssodium compoundssolid solutionssuperionic conducting materialszirconium compounds/ Na 1+xZr 2Si xP 3-xO 12 (2.0lesxles2.4)
Electrical conductivity of Na1+xZr2SixP3xO12peraluminous granitesstronlium isotopesinherited zirconsoxygen isotopesCaledonianAcadianNot Availabledoi:10.1002/pssa.2210660255W.InstituteBoguszInstituteF.InstituteKrokInstituteW.InstituteJakubowskiInstituteJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.physica status solidi (a)...
本文介绍钠快离子导体Na1+xZr(3-y)Tiy SixP3-xO12系统中x=2.0,y=0—2.0的一系列合成物的合成条件,相变关系及其两个单纯相—311相(相当于起始组成为Na3.0Zr1.0Ti1.0Si2.0P1.0O12.0和302相(相当于起始组成为Na3.0Ti2.0Si2.0P1.0O12.0的电导率和激活能. 室温时,311相和302相的电导率分别为0.78×10-4(Ω...
Nakamura et al., Titanium Ion Substitution Ranges For Zirconium Ion in the Na1 xZr2SixP3 xO12 System , vol. 89, 1996, pp. 159 164, 1996, No Month.Osamu Nakamura,Yuria Saito,Mitsuhiro Kodama,Yoshifumi Yamamoto.Titanium ion substitution ranges for zirconium ion in the Na 1 + x Zr 2 Si...