Na Wahine O Ke Kai is a demanding outrigger canoe race that requires paddlers to undergo months of intensive physical and mental training. The race kicks off at the picturesque Hale O Lono on Molokai, symbolizing the beginning of a challenging 41-mile journey across the Kaiwi Channel to Waik...
Synopsis: Domestic abuse has been around for ages. Hopefully it can end soon, with more victims...Solis, Na Kekeha
8 Na kua korero a Eriha ki te wahine nana nei te tamaiti i whakaorangia e ia, kua mea, Whakatika, haere koutou ko tou whare, a e noho ki tau wahi e noho ai koe: kua karangatia hoki e Ihowa he matekai; a ka pa hoki ki te whenua, e whitu tau. 2 Na ka whakatika tau...
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Na Wahine O Ke Kai is a demanding outrigger canoe race that requires paddlers to undergo months of intensive physical and mental training. The race kicks off at the picturesque Hale O Lono on Molokai, symbolizing the beginning of a challenging 41-mile journey across the Kaiwi Channel to Waik...
Na Wahine O Ke Kai is a demanding outrigger canoe race that requires paddlers to undergo months of intensive physical and mental training. The race kicks off at the picturesque Hale O Lono on Molokai, symbolizing the beginning of a challenging 41-mile journey across the Kaiwi Channel to Waik...
Team Bradley paddles to its sixth win in the Na Wahine O Ke KaiGaldeira, Kylethe, to
Team Bradley Repeats in Na Wahine RaceThe legacy lives on.Rose Lum helped make history in the first unofficial women's crossing of the...Galdeira, Kyle
4Na i tangi tetahi o nga wahine a nga tama a nga poropiti ki a Eriha, i mea, Kua mate tau pononga, taku tahu; a e mohio ana koe i wehi tau pononga i a Ihowa: na kua tae mai te kaiwhakatarewa moni ki te tango i aku tama tokorua hei pononga mana. ...
na' au pono, a deep sense of social justice; the integration of Native Hawaiian values in their leadership; the role of mentoring in their development and venue and strategy for their leadership.;The model that was develops describes the emergence of Na Wahine leadership through the `ohana. ...