In the equation, Kd [DPX] is the dynamic quenching constant (50 M− 1), Ka [ANTS/DPX] is the association constant (490 M− 1), [DPX]0 is the initial concentration of entrapped DPX, and α is the preferential release parameter. All values of α greater than zero are indicative of...
Size-selectedAg clusters in the range Ag3–Ag50 wereprepared by sputtering a silver substrate, mass-selectingAg cation clusters using a Wien filter, neutralizing and matrix-isolatingthem at cryogenic temperatures in... KA Bosnick,HM Wang,TL Haslett,... - 《Journal of Physical Chemistry C》 被...
ionicradiusandmolarmassthanLiions,leadingto largervolumechangeandlowerspecificcapacity, ⑩TSINGHUA UNIvERSITYPRESS垒Springer makingitachallengetoachievehighcyclingandrate performance.SomeNa—insertioncathodematerials ...
法.研究了大量N+掺杂对材料结构和电化学性能影响。结果表明,大量钠离子的掺杂会使LVP结构由单斜向菱方转变。掺杂化 合物LiNsv:(poMc存0,5c充电1c放电时,首次放电容量为118mAh·g一,50次循环后容量保持率为92.4%,并发现与单 斜INP存在多个放电平台不同,Li25N5V2(poMc仅在3.7V处有一个放电平台。
On the other hand, it should be also noted that the cold- and hot-press techniques limit the length of the tape hence they are not suitable for the mass production (in the present study, the length of the tape (~50 mm) is limited by the uniaxial-press process). Then, the ...
During muscle activity where multiple APs are generated, the Na+ influx during Kde+poeflaf rluizxatdiuorninregsrueltpsoilnaraiznaitniocnreraesseudlt[sNian+a]in, whilst the increased N[Ka++]ei.nTf lhuuxs,a the nd central mechanisms responsible for the K+ efflux ...
surface waters. None of the seston C:N:P (molar) annual means at specific depths corresponded to the Redfield ratio (106:16:1). At 5 m, annual means of N/P and C/N were 8.4 and 6.5, respectively, while at depth (50–1220 m) N/P were on scale 3 times higher (21–31) and ...
(a)What is the molar mass of the acid? (b) After 10、00 mL of base had been added in the titration, the pH was determined to be 5。87。 What is theKafor the unknown acid? SolutionHA +NaOH = NaA + H2O (a)n(HA) =n(NaOH) =c(NaOH)V(NaOH) (b) Ka = 1。6×10—6 4。
a. Alkaleide, Psychopharmaka der Phenothiazinreihe, Antihistaminica veto Diphenylhydramintyp,Analgetieader Pyrazolongruppe, Lokalanaesthetica, Spasmolytiea, Ganglioplegica wird durchgefiihrt. Auf Grund der chromatographischen Eigen- schaften in den 3 Grundsystemen (G) : I Tris/Cyclohexan (C),...
Labora- tory X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns (Cu Ka radiation) of the as-prepared samples are shown in Fig. 2a. It can be seen that Ti- substituted Na0.44[Mn1-xTix]O2 (x ¼ 0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.39, 0.44, 0.56) maintain a crystal structure similar to their parent structure of ...