As compared to pristine Na0.67MnO2, the S-NMO electrode shows much smoother dQ/dV plots and CV curves, indicating the local structural transitions of Na0.67MnO2are mitigated. Moreover, as shown in Fig.4a, b, the contribution of specific capacity by the anionic redox reactions and Jahn–Teller...
Galvanostatic Intermittent Titration Technique (GITT) proposed by Weppner and Huggins [52] was applied to determine the chemical diffusion coefficient of sodium as a function of sodium content in NLTO. During measurement, the cell was discharged/charged at C/5 constant current for 15 min and then...
Further evidence in favor of the ion transport capacity of NVOPF/KB nanocomposite is provided by galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) at a testing rate of 0.083C, within the potential range of 2.5–4.2 V during discharging in the initial cycle. As seen in Fig.3j, the NVOPF...
Effect of 1D diffusion channel size and ionic content on Li+ ion and Na+ ion diffusion in tunnel manganese oxidesManganese oxideTunnel structured materialsLi-ion batteriesNa-ion batteriesGalvanostatic intermittent titration techniqueSolid-state diffusion...
Abstract Thecontentofnickelin crudecopper was determined by Na 2 EDTA backtitration.Sodium citratesodiumthiosulfateandtartaricacidwereusedashidingagents.Dimethylglyoximewasprecipitated andseparated.Xylenolorangewasusedasindicatorandexcessive Na 2EDTA wasaddedtobacktitration withzincchloridestandard...
The content of nickel in crude copper was determined by Na2 EDTA back titration. Sodium citrate, sodium thiosulfate and tartaric acid were used as hiding agents. Dimethylglyoxime was precipitated and separated. Xylenol orange was used as indicator and excessive Na2 EDTA was added ...
The titanium dioxide content of the samples was also analysed using lab titration; 8. the permeate comprising at least titanyl sulphate was transferred to a 1 L round bottom flask and diluted 1:2 stoichiometry (mass) with RO water (3× dilution) to produce a hydrolysis liquor; 9. the ...
Francois M.M. MorelJournal of Contaminant HydrologyMorel, F.M.M. (1997) Discussion on: ``A mechanistic descrip- tion of Ni and Zn sorption on Na-montmorillonite. Part I: Titration and sorption measurements. Part II: Modeling'' by Bart Baeyens and Michael H. Bradbury. Journal of ...
The present work is related to the study of potentialities of wet oxidation-redox titration (Walkley-Black) method for organic matter determination in soil samples contaminated by leachate from domestic solid wastes. The soil contamination by leachate was obtained experimentally, using leachate with ...
Reduction of the initial sodium content to x=1.5 allowed to obtain single-phase Na 1.47 Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 3 with real x value determined by iodometric titration. SEM images and particle size distribution showed the fine-grained structure, which might have positive impact on kinetics of the ...