Introduction: Vitamin D, its active metabolites and analogs, represent a group of compounds with numerous functions in the body. The activated receptor for vitamin D in the intestines stimulates the synthesis of the binding protein for calcium, bone stimulates the production of o...
The company Mannayan GmbH & Co. KG has been successfully selling high quality dietary supplements as well as bioresonance and electric frequency devices such as the Diamond Shield Zapper. With more than 50,000 customers in Germany, Europe, Asia, Australia and China, our company has experienced ...
Combined supplementation of vitamin D3 with a multistrain probiotic mixture improved LA utilization after exercise. 3. MMA athletes who were supplemented with a combination of vitamin D 3 and probiotics achieved better results, specifically in average power and total work during the first 30...
The benefits of vitamin D3 supplementation for menopausal women - literature review Witamina D to potoczna nazwa cholekalcyferolu i ergokalcyferolu. Wystpuje w postaci nieaktywnej, ale w wyniku hydroksylacji w pozycji 1 lub 25 staje si witamin aktywn. Cholekalcyferol paszy z nieaktywnej ...
对于CKD 1~2期既往诊断肌少症,或CKD 3~5期未透析患者,建议每6个月进行一次肌少症诊断检查。对于CKD 5D期患者,建议每3个月进行一次肌少症诊断检查。 六、治疗 根据原发病和发病机制,CKD肌少症的治疗主要分为对原发病的基本治...