nì- changes an adjective into an adverbtì- changes a verb into an abstract noun<us> used to show when a verb is used as a noun or adjective<äp> used to show that the subject is doing the action to his/herself (e.g. oe t<us>aron (I hunt myself)-tu associates a person ...
Conjunction na and with Usage notes Older or more conservative Swahili writings only use na to connect two nouns, never to connect two adjectives; the second adjective is changed into an abstract noun instead. However, in modern colloquial Swahili, this is not always the case.Swedish...
how (adjective) - peyfa hunt - taron hunter - taronyu KAWAYI麒麟控 斯塔姆兽 6 I I - oe if - txo if not, or else - txokefyaw in - mì insanity - keye'ung interpret - ralpeng KAWAYI麒麟控 斯塔姆兽 6 J joint, hinge - til KAWAYI麒麟控 斯塔姆兽 6 K kid, child - 'evi...
when - krrpe, pehrr where (adjective) - peseng where (adjective) - tsengpe which, that - a while (same time as) - tengkrr who - pesu, tupe why - lumpe, pelun wind - hufwe wing - tsyal wise - txantslusam with (accompaniment) hu with (by means of) - fa word - lì'u ...
candidez adjective feminine es.wiktionary.org 不太频繁的翻译 inocencia necedad 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ naïveté "自动翻译成 西班牙文 ingenuidad Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“naïveté"翻译成 西班牙文 变形 干 I want to preserve...
adj. = adjectiveadp. = adpositional affixadv. = adverbconj. = conjunctionc.w. = compound wordintj. = interjectioninter. = interrogativelit. = literallyn. = nounnum. = numberpart. = particleprep. = prepositionpn. = pronounprop.n. = proper nounv. = verb_ = illegal phonotacticsFor ...
半是将“duona"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Akcidento malfruigis nin je duona horo. ↔ 事故耽误了我们半小时。 duona adjective 语法 + 添加翻译 世界文-中文字典 半 adjective Akcidento malfruigis nin je duona horo. 事故耽误了我们半小时。 OmegaWiki 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ duona "...
ǀgui是将“one"翻译成 纳马文。 译文示例:(1 Corinthians 11:3) A husband must have only one wife. ↔ (1 Korinteǁîn 11:3) Aob ge |gui taras |guisa nî ūhâ. one adjective pronoun verb noun numeral 语法 (mathematics) The neutral element with respect to multiplication in ...
To uphold the traditional reading, this first pronoun (wh) would refer to 0nylg ("revelation") - but as Crawford will unlock later in this verse, 0nylg is read plural (because of the Nynh ("these") referring back to it), so the first pronoun in singular form should not refer to ...