Biomed Res Int., 2013 (2013), p. 459613 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 15 T. Kasai, J.S. Floras, T.D. Bradley Sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease: a bidirectional relationship Circulation., 126 (2012), pp. 1495-1510 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 16 T. Yokoe Elevated levels of of C...
Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) is a large transmembrane protein expressed in all cells. It is well studied for its ion exchanging function, which is indispensable for the maintenance of electrochemical gradients across the plasma membrane and herein neuronal excitability. The widely recognized pump function of...
我在Biomed Res Int发表综述Advances in the Role of Sodium Hypochlorite Irrigant in Chemical Preparation of Root Canal Treatment。通过文献整理,我们提出未来研究应该关注次氯酸钠对根尖1/3处的生物膜清理效果,需要更多高级别的临床随机对照试验数据来证实次氯酸钠浓度对其...
Total exports in 2009 (Jan/Dec) were 742,420 tonnes. Major destinations in Jan/Feb 2010 were Canada (19,941 tonnes vs. 220), the Netherlands (10,924 vs. 232,661), Belgium (11,626 vs. 50,391) and the United Kingdom (9,738 vs. 19).年份: 2010 ...
这一新耐药机制的发现能让我们未雨绸缪,在氨曲南-阿维巴坦耐药的临床菌株出现前即有一定程度的认识,也为以后应对措施的研究提供了前期基础。 文章链接:
除此之外,衔尾蛇象征着更新、重生、无限[1],正与细胞自噬的生理功能不谋而合:吃掉自己,可获长生。 图注:古华夏文明中的衔尾蛇(咬尾龙) 何谓自噬? 自噬是细胞内成分在自身溶酶体中降解的过程。人们目前观察到3种不同类型的自噬,它们将被降解的内容物...
[9]WangY,WangZ,ZhangY,et al.Polymerase chain reaction-based assays for the diagnosis of human brucellosis[J/OL].Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob,2014,13:31(2014-08-01)[2017-12-15].
【5】中科院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心2020年夏令营与2021年研究生推免初选报名通知(2020-07-20 截止) ( 【6】中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所接收2021年推荐免试研究生(含直博生)通知(时间未知) (http:...