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N64游戏手柄 N64有线游戏手柄 白/橙/黄色N64 game controller 复购率:36% 10年 ¥26.0成交4笔 深圳市 工厂直销全新中性适用任天堂N64有线游戏手柄 复购率:38% 12年 ¥29.45成交3笔 深圳市 N64有线游戏手柄 适用N64游戏有线手柄 支持PC USB接口 配件 ...
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USB Wired Gamepad for Nintendo 64 Host N64 Controller Gamepad Joystick for Classic 64 Console Games for Mac Computer PC Specifications: ☞Tight and accurate design,10 function buttons ☞Allow connects to any N64 replica system ☞Perfect controller for Mario Kart, Perfect Dark, and many other ...
CirKa Controller for N64 (Yellow) $18.99 current price $18.99 CirKa Controller for N64 (Yellow) 13.6 out of 5 Stars. 1 reviews Shipping, arrivesin 3+ days iNNEXT USB Retro N64 Controller, Classic Retro N64 Wired USB PC Game pad Joystick, N64 Bit USB Wired Game Stick Joy pad Controller ...
N64 Controller Adapter Support Turbo Wireless USB Adapter 2 Ports USB Wireless Controller Adapter No Lag Plug and Play for Switch/OLED Model PC Windows Feature: 1. Dual N64 Controller Support:Connect and use two N64 controllers simultaneously on your for Nintendo Switch or PC Windows system. Enjoy...
原版 N64 手柄背面上方用于插入 Rumble Pak 震动配件的缺口区域在新版手柄中已经被填满。意味着玩家将无法插入原版 N64 手柄的 Rumble Pak、Controller Pak 等额外配件。可能是因为新版手柄为无线设计,任天堂在此放置了电池和震动模块的缘故。▲ 左侧为原版,右侧为新版 而在手柄的顶部,新款和原版相比除了因无线功能而...
原版 N64 手柄背面上方用于插入 Rumble Pak 震动配件的缺口区域在新版手柄中已经被填满。意味着玩家将无法插入原版 N64 手柄的 Rumble Pak、Controller Pak 等额外配件。可能是因为新版手柄为无线设计,任天堂在此放置了电池和震动模块的缘故。▲ 左侧为原版,右侧为新版 而在手柄的顶部,新款和原版相比除了因无线功能而...