原名:N6-methyladenosine reader YTHDF1 promotes ARHGEF2 translation and RhoA signaling in colorectal cancer 译名:N6-甲基腺苷读取器YTHDF1在结直肠癌中促进ARHGEF2翻译和RhoA信号转导 期刊:Gastroenterology IF:22.682 发表时间:20...
Aortic Valve Repair of Congenital Stenosis With Bovine Pericardium Aortic valve repair of congenital stenosis with bovine pericardium. Ann Thorac Surg 1997;63(2):465--9.Tolan MJ, Daubeney PE, Slavik Z, Keeton BR, ... Michael J Tolan and FRCS(I) and Piers E Daubeney and MB and BS and ...