TIR radiation is emitted by the Earth'ssurface and atmosphere, and its intensity and spectral characteristics are affected by the presence of N2O. TROPOMI detects this radiation and uses it to determine the N2O concentration in the atmosphere. The N2O retrieval algorithm used by TROPOMI is based ...
Nitrogen (N) application is the main agricultural management that increases nitrous oxide (N2O) concentration in the atmosphere. Freezing conditions are common phenomenon in the northern China that significantly affect soil N2O emissions through alterations in nutrients availability and microbial population....
ofN2O.ThesinksofOaremainlyinthestratosphere,butthedestroyofOalsocausesdissipationofozonesi — multaneously. Keywords:N20;atmosphereconcentration;sourceandsink 中图分类号:x5ll文献标识码:B文章编号:1009—4032(20o5)01—0024—03 N2O能够吸收中心波长为7.78,8.56,l6.98p.m ...
Being the only sink for N2O in soils, the enzyme N2O reductase (NosZ) has been the target for recent attempts to mitigate N2O emissions from soils. An intervention that strengthens this sink will lower the N2O/N2 product ratio of denitrification and hence reduce the propensity of the soil to...
Over 80% of N2O in the atmosphere comes from the nitrification and denitrification of microorganisms and the emission of industry exhaust, however such N2O is difficult to be collected for further use due to the low concentration. But if high concentration N2O can be prepared, after purification ...
Paddy soil contributed minimal indirect N2O emission to the atmosphere. Estimates of EF5g should include denitrified NO3-N in groundwater. Abstract Current estimates of global indirect N2O emissions are based on a relatively small dataset and remain a major source of uncertainly in the global N2O...
Investigated the influence of space velocity and reaction atmosphere on the the n2o catalytic decomposition reaction. The results show that the airspeed increases n2o decomposition temperature; o2 and n2o concentration changes in the low range, no significant effect on N2O decomposition; so2 increas ...
(a, c; ref. 2) and the new marker scenarios based on the SSPs used in CMIP6 (b, d; ref. 48). The historical emissions data are represented as the mean of the bottom-up and top-down estimates of anthropogenic N2O emissions, whereas the historical atmospheric concentration data are from...
Exchange of N2O and CH4 between the atmosphere and soils in spruce-fir forests in the northeastern United States Aber,Sarah Millham.Exchange of N2O and CH4 between the atmosphere and soils in spruce-fir forests in the northeastern United States[J].Biogeochemistry... Mark,S.,Castro,... - 《...
Subtropical forests in southern China have received chronically large amounts of atmogenic nitrogen (N), causing N saturation. Recent studies suggest that a significant proportion of the N input is returned to the atmosphere, in part as nitrous oxide (N2O). We measured N2O emission fluxes by cl...