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lodged an unfair competition suit against its major rival Qi Cha Cha (QCC) for the latter’s misuse of its famous tagline “searching for companies, searching for bosses, searching for [business] relations”. QCC argued that the tagline is a simple description of both companies’ services and...
Location:Beijing Current Time:2025年3月15日 (六)19時24分21秒 Latest Report:2025年3月15日 (六)17時00分 Visibility:5 km Pressure:1032 mbar Humidity:93% Dew Point:0 °C Upcoming 5 hours Now20時00分21時00分22時00分23時00分0時00分 ...
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1000-word visual resource. This is a written resource containing visual material such as pictures, diagrams or graphs. For example, it could be presented as an infographic, a slide series, or an illustrated newsletter article. OR 3-minute video resource. For example, your resource could be an...
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