2300 essential Kanji words to conquer JLPT N5 - N1. This application consists of 2300 Kanji divided by grades JLPT N5 - N1. It helps you learn all the kanji corresponding to your level. More specifically, it will be your study memo book that stores all of your kanji and learning progress...
Kanji Quiz N2 helps make it simpler and more enjoyable by providing the opportunity to discover new and revise Kanji in order to prepare for the fourth level of the Japanese exam, JLPT N2. Jump right in and have fun studying!Features- Searchable flashcards for over 700 JLPT N2 Kanji; ...
APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ANALYZING MORPHEME, COMPUTER PROGRAM, VOICE SYNTHESIZER, AND VOICE VERIFICATION APPARATUS PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To use Kanji characters of a set Kanji level in converting a Kana character string into a Kanji-Kana mixture character string and use character strings other than...
2300 essential Kanji words to conquer JLPT N5 - N1. This application consists of 2300 Kanji divided by grades JLPT N5 - N1. It helps you learn all the kanji corresponding to your level. More specifically, it will be your study memo book that stores all of your kanji and learning progress...