N1MM Logger+N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. The program’s features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this ...
虚拟串口RTTY音频软件CW呼号语音搭建目标 实现以下目标:◆N1MM+Logger支持PHONE,CW,RTTY,并支持PHoNE模式下语音自动呼号.◆CWSkimmer辅助.◆支持MMVari及MMSSTV.关于ExpertSDR2,虚拟串口及虚拟音频软件的设置参考《SunSDR2Pro数字通联(修订版)》.李柯孙宇现代通信...
https://www.k0pir.us/icom-7300-n1mm-logger-plus-setup/ 实在看不懂,就看下面的图 可以参考我的设置 故障症状:我按照上述方法设置了,单每次按下PTT通话后,都出现了连接丢失的提示,N1MM的频率显示也就不再准确,导致很多通联的频率没有被正确记录,为了能正常参赛,只能每次掉线后再手动进入设置重新同步,非常麻烦。
N1MMLogger快速使用手册 这本指导是给那些新手第一次使用本程序的.意思就是说仅仅去记录通联记录,而没有使用外部 的其他接口,其他的CW,PTT,以及传输音频以及相关的操作技巧等将会在后面介绍,我没有在 这个指导中加入数字模式。因为程序的操作,由于使用MMTTY,MMVARI或终端单元来解码数 ...
N1MM Logger 现在采用了 N6TR s 发明演变为目前最快的操作模式叫 Enter Sends Messages 或者叫 ESM 模式 首先按照下面的菜单打开 ESM 模式 然后回到输入窗口 让我们来看看如何操作 Page 51 of 56 NIMM 业余无线电竞赛记录软件快速入门 翻译 时峰 BG1TPD 和前面的几种方式有什么区别呢 看一下上图的 F4 键 ...
N1MM Logger Quick NIMM 业余无线电竞赛记录软件快速入门翻译:时峰 BG1TPD N1MM Logger 快速使用手册 这本指导是给那些新手第一次使用本程序的. 意思就是说仅仅去记录通联记录,而没有使用外部的其他接口,其他的CW,PTT,以及传输音频以及相关的操作技巧等将会在后面介绍,我没有在这个指导中加入数字模式。因为...
Note that while the colors and font sizes displayed here and in other screenshots mimic the original N1MM Logger Classic, Logger Plus provides for extensive customization of colors and fonts in every window, part of an effort to improve accessibility. Which Entry window textbox has the entry ...
N1MM Logger+N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. The program’s features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this ...
N1MM Logger+N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. The program’s features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this ...
N1MM Logger+N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. The program’s features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this ...