All of these databases are stored in the Databases subdirectory in the N1MM Logger+ user files area. Do_Not_Use_or_Erase.s3db FileThere is a special database file called Do_Not_Use_or_Erase.s3db in the Databases directory – do not erase this file, and do not name it as your log ...
Digital engine files (MMTTY, 2Tone, Fldigi) have not been rewritten, and still need to be stored outside theC:\Program FilesandC:\Program Files (x86)paths in Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11, just as they did with Logger Classic. One solution is to leave them where they were with ...
Database Setup (1) Select File / New Database (Select File / Open Database if .MDB already exists) Set the Filename: “2010 ARRL FD 20m SSB W1BIM.MDB” Note: use your particular band and mode instead of “20m SSB” Leave the directory name as the default (N1MM Logger) Click the ...
Download the .UDC or .zip file to your computer’s hard drive in the UserDefinedContests directory in the N1MM Logger+ user files area, which is normally located at C:/Users/username/Documents/N1MM Logger+/UserDefinedContests. (Note: If you have moved the user files area during program ins...
Typically, this involves the Signalink USB interface or the software program FLDIGI. N1MM Logger+ does not and will not support this way of generating CW. There are a couple of reasons. First, on many transceivers, when they are in USB or LSB mode, you are precluded from using CW ...
The digital engines (MMVARI and Fldigi) cannot transmit in PSK D. To do PSK, put the KX3 into DATA A mode and configure the Logger and the digital engine for PSK Cat Macro strings used to playback Radio # 1 internal KX3 DVK voice keyer M1 = {CAT1ASC SWT11;SWT19;} M2 = {CAT1...
N1MM Logger+ supports PSK31 and other sound-card digital modes using either of two digital engines: MMVARI and Fldigi. MMVARI comes pre-loaded with the program, whereas Fldigi has to be downloaded separately. Fldigi supports a wider variety of digital modes than MMVARI, although the majority of...