Revision History & Latest Update Download –Shows the Latest Update section of the Files Menu on the web site. Requires an active Internet connection N1MM Logger Manual (User installed *pdf required) –Read the manual off-line. There is a link on the Tools menu that will download this file...
Enter here all the operators’ callsigns Update Ops from Log – If you have been using Ctrl+O or OPON to enter operator callsigns in the log, clicking the button ‘Update Ops from Log’ will transfer all operators from the contest log to the Operators field Soapbox comments Your comments ...
Installing N1MM Logger+ for the first time requires that you download two files – the Full Installer and the Latest Update. The Full Installer file will change infrequently, whereas the Latest Update file changes often, generally once per week. Locate the Full Installer file on the download sit...
If you are planning to operate in a contest a couple weeks from now, load the latest update NOW, create a contest “instance” as outlinedhere, sit down with your radio, computer, DX cluster connection, keyers, and whatever else you use, and simulate logging a dozen contacts as if you ...
Filename: OH-Parks.udc –download/copy this file to the UserDefinedContests subfolder in your N1MM+ user files folder (the one pointed to by the Help > Open Explorer on User Files Directory menu item) Section filename: OH-PARKS.sec –download/copy this file to the SupportFiles subfolder...
“CI-V Transceive” to OFF – If CI-V is set to ON, the Bandmaps will not update as the VFO is turned. “Some Icom rigs have a “4 or 5 Byte Data” or “Frequency Data Length” interface option. Set the radio to use 5 data bytes for the frequency. Due to the limited Icom...
AutoTRXUpdate can affect other modes If the AutoTRXUpdate option is turned on, it takes effect whenever the DI window is open. If you leave the DI window open and switch to CW or SSB, the offset will continue to be applied, and the frequencies in the Entry window, Bandmap and your...
Hardware Update: ‘Both Ears on the Inactive Radio’ versus‘Both Ears on the Active (or Run) Radio’ from the KeyboardI wanted to go one better and mimic the “PTT” operation of the DXD, which puts both ears on the INactive radio for aggressive S&P, but still be able to put both ...