For full information on split operation, see this chapter. LIGHT command – For UHF contests. Sets the frequency to 400000000000khz WIPELOG command – Wipes the Log and deletes any “practice” QSOs from a log before you begin actual operation. In single-computer stations it may be as easy...
For full details see: download it as PDF file (from FRC) at: A great PDF file on User Configurable Spot Filters in DXSpider by Jim Samuels – W3BG can be found at:http...
The [Change] button will check the website for Function Key and Call History files with a filename that matches the contest name. When there is a match, the program will open a dialog window asking if you want to download and assign that file to this contest. To prevent you from harm ...
You can find a copy of the full installer for the current version of fldigi at that website. This file is a self-extracting executable, similar to the N1MM Logger+ installer. Download the file to a temporary folder and then execute it. It is recommended that you install fldigi in its ...
4. Enter Sends Messages– N1MM Logger has now evolved N6TR’s invention into what is called Enter Sends Messages, or ESM for short. You’ll find a full explanation of this mode inthis section. In short, ESM enables you to enter a callsign and then step through the remaining steps in ...
the first part of the current version number (the part before the second .) is the same on the latest Full Installer as it is on your already-installed copy of the program, you do NOT need to run a new Full Installer. To update the program, just download and install the Latest ...
Exchange RS(T), Serial Nr and full Locator(Multipliers) See the UDC file for more details Filename: VMTROPHY.udc WAB Contests Worked All Britain Contests See WAB ReadMe in Filename: WAB.udc Weekly RTTY Test – WRT See WRT Rules and UDC download link here: https://radiosport....
Full duplex SO2R requires a 6600 or 6700 to take advantage of secondary antennas while transmitting, but the same configuration can be used with the 6300, 6400 and 6500. In SmartSDR CAT: Set up Slice A in CAT for a com port Set up Slice B in CAT for a 2nd unique com port The ...
Full details on the newer Logger+ audio will be found in the description of these menu items. If you are setting up this tab for the first time, a good beginning is to familiarize yourself with your computer’s sound card(s). At the same time, you can assure yourself that all of ...
There are also many different interface devices available that use USB port control for a full gamut of capabilities. See the chapter Supported Hardware for more information. Sound card – N1MM Logger+ can use your computer’s sound card to record your contest QSOs, and also to send stored ...