If you wish to use FSK keying from MMTTY through a USB-to-serial adapter or via an LPT port, you will also need to download a copy of EXTFSK (from the MM HamSoft website) or EXTFSK64 (from http://www.qsl.net/ja7ude/extfsk/indexe.html) and install the appropriate files in ...
Uses 1 stopbit and DTR and RTS ‘Always on’. Do NOT check the CW check box on the port setup screen for this com port. OMNI-VI The Omni VI+ the “Cde” item under menu 2 should be set to “off”. Otherwise there will be collisions between the data sent from the rig when N1M...
For hints on diagnosing problems with a parallel port, see the note under Additional Parallel Port Interfacing just a bit further on.Serial (COM) PortWhen a serial port is used for CW and/or PTT keying, it is the RTS and DTR lines that are used. ...