Deploy CS-6还装备有战术探照灯,需要用3节7号电池才能启动,使用时非常简单,隐形模式下用于发现敌人,而在发射模式下则充当红外瞄准器,而在射击精准度方面,Deploy采用的是两点一线,准星位于把手内部,在作战模式下会露出,目测射击距离达到6米左右,显得中规中矩。最后上一组我自己DIY的Deploy,加上NERF LongStrike的枪管...
Nerf 废土系列Doomlands Negotiator,谈判者发射器的开箱及把玩分享 2908 1 47:37 App Nerf 热火 Nstrike Longstrike-CS6 经典老蓝狙发射器 收藏开箱把玩超慢享 一次性看个够! 3300 2 15:11 App Nerf 中折双管发射器 Barrel Break ix-2 值得收藏把玩的神器 1068 0 24:14 App Nerf 热火n-strike 慢聊老...
尼尔夫·朗斯特里克CS6 TVC(NERF LONGSTRIKE CS6 TVC) 玩具&夸脱&Quot美国首席玩具测试师-NERF N-Strike精英AccuStrike系列Alphaawk(Toys"R"Us Chief Toy Testers - NERF N-Strike Elite Accustrike Series Alphahawk) Teen Wolf 少狼 Season nerf dart tag豪华爆炸机TVC(NERF DART TAG Deluxe Blaster TVC) ...
Deploy CS-6 (Sonic),Deploy CS-6 - Clear,Attack Unit,Deploy CS-6 (Whiteout),Doubledown,Havok Fire EBF-25,Joltex1,Joltex1,Longshot CS-6,LongshotCS6,Longstrike CS-6 (sonic),Longstrike CS-6 (Whiteout),Longstrike CS-6,Maverick REV-6 (Whiteout),NanoFire,Recon CS-6-Clear,Nite Finder EX...
Longstrike CS 6 or any compatible Nerf toy gun. With a size of 140mm, this spring is engineered to fit seamlessly into your Nerf Longstrike, providing a snug and secure fit. **Effortless Installation and Compatibility** Installing the WORKER 14KG 18KG Modification Upgraded Spring is a breeze...
Rayven is so nice when equipped with a Longstrike barrel, three TrustFire batteries, and a Nerf pinpoint. It will be awesome! However, the accuracy is bad, the trigger is bad, and there are too many locks. Modifications will make this gun a monster hunter.The Rayven Elite can't beat th...