1990年,该团队对1986年至1989年间73个有不同疾病的患者所实施的N-of-1 trial(所研究的疾病包括:慢性、失眠、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、类风湿关节炎、骨关节炎和过敏性哮喘)进行了全面详细的总结和客观的统计分析,进一步验证并详细描述N-of-1 trial方法的适用性、可行性以及潜在优势。与此同时,在《内科学年鉴》(Annals...
N-of-1 trial的证据级别在证据金字塔中处于最高等级,强调其在循证医学研究中的重要作用。针对N-of-1 trial的证据质量评估,目前尚未有专门的工具采用GRADE方法。然而,GRADE标准在评估研究质量时考虑了多方面因素,包括研究设计、质量与一致性,这与N-of-1 trial注重个体化和治疗效果评估的理念相契合。
患者应该对试验完全知情,愿意参加试验并签署知情同意书,研究中如有选用安慰剂的话应如实向患者告知,避免欺瞒,患者有权利随时中止试验等。 N-of-1 trial的实施尽管单病例随机对照试验在单个患者身上进行,但是仍需遵循随机化的原则。具体的实施如下: 临床医生和患者同意接受治疗,来检验这一治疗措施在减少或控制患者疾病...
N-of-1 or single subject clinical trialsconsider an individual patient as the sole unit of observation in a study investigating the efficacy or adverse effects of different interventions. The ultimate goal of an N-of-1 trial is to determine theoptimal or best interventionfor an individual patient...
N-of-1 or single subjectclinical trialsconsider an individual patient as the sole unit of observation in a study investigating the efficacy or adverse effects of different interventions. The ultimate goal of an N-of-1 trial is to determine theoptimal or best interventionfor an individual patient...
n-of-1trialaimstofindthebesttreatmentforthe individualpatient.Generalisationofresultstoother patientsnecessitatesaseriesofsimilarlydesignedand implementedtrials. 4 Randomisation,repeatedcyclesoftreatment,and fixeddurationoftreatmentarenotwellsuitedto
Elsewhere the single-subject trial has been praised because it "may provide new insight into vaguely defined conditions, improve therapeutic decisions, strengthen the doctor-patient relationship and create a more critical attitude toward drug treatment both among patients and doctors" [3 p. 174], ...
The full street address of the drug product manufacturer must be provided, including any contract manufacturers, packing facilities, or testing laboratories involved in producing the clinical trial batches. D. Manufacturing and Packaging Procedures ...
Evidence suggests that patients treated in a trial do better than similar patients treated outside a trial, and the government has made clinical trials a priority in cancer care. In the UK in 2000, only 3.5% of cancer patients entered a clinical trial. The National Cancer Research Network, ...
【Key words 】 Single case randomized controlled trial; N-of-1 trial; Sample size; Fixed model; Random model 单病例随机对照试验(single case randomized 而国内研究者对 N-of-1 试验样本量的估算上仍存 controlled trial )简称 N-of-1 试验,是一种基于单个 在困扰,很多研究者并不知道正确的样本量...