网络N亚硝酰胺;N亚硝醯胺 网络释义
N-nitrosamide N-亚硝酰胺文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: Results: The fracture occurred in hipbone( n = 7) ,hucklebone( n = ) , pubis ( n = ) , carpale( n = ) , bladebone ( n = 7 ) , callarbone ( n = ) , tarsi ( n = 9 ) , mental bone(n=) and ...
1) N-nitrosamide N-亚硝酰胺 2) N-nitrososulfonamides N-亚硝基磺酰胺 3) N-nitrosolactams N-亚硝基内酰胺 4) N-nitrosoamides N-亚硝基酰胺 5) N-nitrosamine N-亚硝胺 1. Analysis on Style and Contents of VolatileN-nitrosamines in Rugao Ham; ...
The N-nitrosoamide-mediated Ritter-type reaction 1a–c involvesnthermolyses of N-alkyl-N-nitrosoamides in molten nitriles.nThe nitrosoamides' decomposition generates nitrogenousentitynseparated ion-pairs (NESIPs; eqn. (1)) containing highlynreactive carbocations that are competitively scavenged by ...
Identification of a N-nitrosamide in nitrosated fish sauce by HPLC–photohydrolysis- pyrolysis–TEA methodintraluminal brachytherapyoesophageal carcinomaradiation injuryfistulaside-effectsdose fractionationTo induce fast relief of dysphagia in inoperable oesophageal cancer, we applied high-dose rate...
Preussmann, R, Deutsch-Wenzel, R, Eisenbrand, G 1975 The effect of heavy metal ions on the rate of decomposition of N -ethyl- N -nitrosourea and other carcinogenic N -nitrosamides Z Krebsforsch Klin Onkol Cancer Res Clin Oncol 84 75 80...
Nitrosamide (H 2 NNO), formation within [(NO) m (NH 3 ) n ] + clusters: Theory and experiment . Int J Mass Spectrom ( 2006 ) 255-256 28 .Shin DN, Freindorf M, Furlani TR, DeLeon RL, Garvey JF (2006) Int J Mass Spectrom 255:28...
Anilide N-acylaniline NaNO2 AcOH Ac2O nitrosamide rearrange O-acylphenol (net aniline oxidat transform to phenol)Glatzhofer, D T