The paper argues that n-gram representation of the data extracted from the different sections of the WSDL description (types, messages and operations) along with the weighing scheme can benefit the classification of services. Experiments are carried out with three different classifiers over available ...
网上有些人说的DeepNLP,不是什么深层次的自然语言处理模型 DeepNLP=Deep Learning + NLP 就是用深度学习的方法来进行自然语言处理 现在研究的热点也就是用深度学习的方法来进行自然语言处理,即现在研究的热点也就是DeepNLP 一、DeepNLP的核心关键:语言表示(Representation) 最近DeepNLP非... ...
沿用至今。RNN/LSTM从03年开始NNLM的研究开始探讨,是一种新的representation approach,作为新事物,在...
nGram包快速n-gram分词指南说明书 Guide to the ngram Package Ve rsi on 3.2.1Fast n-gram Tokenization Drew Schmidt and Christian Heckendorf
Based on the pseudo-conventional n-gram representation, we also investigate the feasibility of combining discriminative n-gram modeling with other recognition post-processes and demonstrate that cumulative performance improvements can be achieved. 展开 ...
词向量源于 Hinton 在Learning distributed representations of concepts提出的 Distributed Representation,Bengio[Bengio, 2003] 将其引入到语言模型建模中,提出了神经网络语言模型。不过,目前有很多研究工作是在神经网络语言模型架构下,主要目的就是获取Word、Phrase、Document、Sense、Knowledge 等属性的向量表示,以解决特定...
[1] C. Allauzen, M. Riley, and B. Roark. Distributed representation and estimation of wfst-based n-gram models. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Statistical NLP and Weighted Automata (StatFSM), pages 32-41, 2016. [2] D. Amodei, R. Anubhai, E. Battenberg, C. Case,J. Casper...
[“我想”,“想去”,“去成”,“成都”,“都吃”,“吃火”,“火锅”], N-gram模型认为词与词之间有关系的距离为N, 如果超过N则认为它们之间没有联系,所以就不会出现"我成",“我去”这些词。 如果使用trigram,则就是["我想去",“想去成”,“去成都”,...]。N理论上可以设置为任意值,但是一般设置...