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It came out later thatPlanetSidewas the IP in question and that the trademarks had been transferred to Bay Tower, a private equity firm, but that there was some sort of Jason Epstein connection in that and what the hell was that even about and what did it mean to the actual game,PlanetS...
launched. Never as big as its rivals (it peaked at 120K players toUltima Online’s250K andEverQuest’s550K) it blazed its own trail in trying to define what an MMORPG ought to be. Neglect, a mis-handled sequel, and a studio that made some dubious and costly moves, left the game wi...
Fortnite, which had been one of the top five regulars fell to ninth position. Still, making the top ten means you’re still something. CompetitorPUBGisn’t on the list. And in tenth placeRobloxheld on from last month.Hearthstone, which had the ninth slot last month on a new expansion ...