STEPHEN KING: THE DARK TOWER III THE WASTE LANDS ARGUMENT The Waste Lands is the third volume of a longer taleinspired by and to some degree dependent upon RobertBrowning’s narrative poem “Childe Roland to the Dark TowerCame.”The first volume, The Gunslinger, tells how Roland, the lastgu...
Stephen King's N 作者:Guggenheim, Marc 出版年:2011-4 页数:112 定价:$ 22.59 ISBN:9780785134541 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 + 加入购书单
Richard "Dick" Hallorann is the tritagonist of the Stephen King multiverse. Serving as the tritagonist of The Shining, its film adaptation, and it's miniseries, and a posthumous character of Doctor Sleep and it's film adaptation. He is also a minor chara
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(时代巡演东京第三晚) 03:31 【Taylor Swift】this is me trying/Labyrith (Live From Eras Tour Gelsenkirchen N2) 04:49 【Taylor Swift】伦敦惊喜嘉宾Ed Sheeran同台演唱EverythingHasChanged/End Game/ThinkingOutLoud 09:03 【Taylor Swift】伦敦第四晚 King Of My Heart/The Alchemy 04:59 【Taylor ...
Feleki, Stephen King in the New Millennium: Gothic Mediations on New Writing Materialities Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. Pp 255. ISBN: 978-1527504073 Francisco Silveira It could perhaps be said that Stephen King writes at the door and – knock knock -, whether he...
'Stephen went to see Eric in Omaha.', 'Patrick went to see Nick in Kansas City.'] Person names and location (country, city) names are multilingual, depending on theeditorlanguage. Wegot the datafromwikidata, so there is a bias towards names on wikipedia. ...
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The Shining– Stephen King – 1977 – Made into a very scary 1980 movie; “Here’s Johnny!” A Scanner Darkly– Philip K. Dick – 1977 – Made into a roto-scoped 2006 trippy movie. The Right Stuff– Tom Wolfe – 1979 – Made into a spacey 1983 movie. ...
布鲁斯·柯比 / 弗兰西斯·李·麦克凯恩 / 马绍尔·贝尔 / 布拉德利·格雷格 / 加里·莱利 / 凯西·希玛兹科 / 杰森·奥利弗 / 美国 / 罗伯·莱纳 / 89分钟 / 伴我同行 / 剧情 / 儿童 / 冒险 / 雷纳尔多·吉迪恩 Raynold Gideon / 布鲁斯·A·埃文斯 Bruce A. Evans / 斯蒂芬·金 Stephen King / ...