For over 75 years, Athearn has offered a diverse selection of model trains including HO scale trains and N scale trains built with detail and value in mind.
ExactRail designs and manufactures fine-scale freight car model trains. Manufacturing in HO & N we are dedicated to manufacturing the worlds best freight cars!
HO Scale Construction Vehicles HO Scale Trailers & Boats HO Scale Emergency Vehicles Wiking N Scale N Scale Agriculture Vehicles N Scale Trucks, Vans & Buses N Scale Private Vehicles N Scale Construction Vehicles N Scale Emergency Vehicles N Scale Trailers Wiking Large Scale Large Scale ...
This makes N scale trains roughly 1/2 the size of HO or OO trains. The big advantage therefore; is you can get a lot more track, scenery (bridges, mountains, tunnels, roads etc), and structures into the same space as you would for an HO or OO railroad. However, being smaller,N ga...
A blog and a website with many ressources for model train fans interested in DCC and digital, as well as N scale and other model railroading scales. Decoders, command stations, DIY tips and layout updates!
N scale trains are the second most popular model train scale thanks to their size, detail parts, durability, and road number specific details and paint schemes.
Factory installed Micro-Trains #1015 couplers Narrow-style, body mounted draft box, featuring: shank wedges, striker casting and full nut and bolt detail. ExactRail's exclusive ASF 70 ton 'Ride Control' trucks CNC-machined metal wheel sets with all metal axles!
A blog and a website with many ressources for model train fans interested in DCC and digital, as well as N scale and other model railroading scales. Decoders, command stations, DIY tips and layout updates!
N-Scale is a group of similar dimensional relationships including (but not limited to) 1/160, 1/150 and 1/148. All share in common a railroad gauge of 9mm (0.354 in). The earliest model trains to use this scale were made by Lone Star in the United Kingdom in their OOO (Treble-O...
TopHobbyTrains has deep discount pricing on model trains and N Scale supplies. Full service DCC sound and supplies. TopHobbyTrains offers internet wholesale pricing on all top model train manufactures products including Kato Steam FEF, Atlas N Scale Di