Moshi said the outcome of the visit is visible through the signing of 15 agreements and he believes the elevation of China-Tanzania relations to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership means that the two countries would, from now on, intensify their consultations and cooperation on a wider...
Cambridge Analytica behauptet, für jeden US-Bürger 5000 „Data Points“ zusammengetragen zu haben, Issy Lapowski: „What Did Cambridge Analytica Really Do for Trump’s Campaign“, in:Wired,26. November 2017,
Recall that maxpooling simply takes the largest value in a given set of values. Each stack has its own kernel size, and the length of the kernel size determines the rate of sampling. A large kernel size means that the stack focuses on long-term effects in the time series. Altern...
4) We calculate statistics (mean, s.d., median, mad) and quantile-based confidence intervals on the vector . This is exactly what the following function does: It takes an nls object, extracts the variables/parameter values/parameter variance-covariance matrix, creates an “augmented” covariance...
Principal components can then be used to predict the outcome of interest by means of classic regression models. [39, 40]. This combination of PCA and regression analysis is referred to as Principal Component Regression (PCR). The objective of this exploratory study is to generate hypotheses on ...
But as I alluded to at the end of the previous section, I’m starting to bump against the limits of what HRT can accomplish and what I want done. And that means surgeries. I mentioned that while laser might be wrapping up for my face, it’s probably not done. Well, that has to...
Pattern clustering was performed with the K-Means clustering function from the scikit-learn package for python70 considering the patterns found in all analyzed segments for each animal. Statistics No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample sizes which are similar to those reported in ...
If the test statistic is 2.79 for a two-sided t-test for the difference in two means for which n1 = 13, n2 = 17, s1 = 7, and s2 = 5, what's the p-value? What is the p-value, if in a 2-tail hypothesis test, ZSTAT = -0.98? We are conducting a tes...
This means that for an arbitrary large radius R R0, up to choosing ε > 0 sufficiently small, we have that the ball BR(x0) is as close as we want in the GH-sense to a ball of radius R > 0, which is a truncated cone up to removing a set of diameter less than 4R0 (which ...
For instance, Cohen’s 𝑑=(𝑥̲𝑛−𝑦̲𝑛)𝑠d=(x¯n−y¯n)s is the recommended effect size when one is testing the difference between two means based on the test statistic 𝑁√[(𝑋 𝑛−𝑌 𝑛)−𝛾]𝑠N[(X¯n−Y¯n)−γ]s in testing 𝐻0...