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My days in MZHB 2019.9.19 下午1点起床,收到以前同学的工作推荐,洗簌完毕便投了简历。过了一个来小时收到面试邀请来电及邮件确认。 2019.9.24 面试笔试 2019.9.25 收到口头offer,初步协定10.2开始上班。 2019.9.30 商量改返工时间为1 2019.10.04 第一天返工。 环境超级好,流程很规范,同team的同事感觉都挺好...
I use Neovim to code, use Doom Emacs(Org Mode) to manage my life. You are welcome to browsemy configuration dotfile files. Games I'm playing: Beat Saber on SteamVR with Oculus Quest 2 gkzhb's Profile | ScoreSaber! Team Fortress 2 ...
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内容必填选填?你说了算! 精准反馈,高效沟通 我知道了查看详情 小安 @myzhb 小安 暂无简介 关注私信 2 Stars 5 Watches 0 Followers 0 Following 小安的个人主页 / 关注的星选集 Stars2星选集关注的星选集 关注的星选集将会放在这里。 最近更新 无数据...
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Free Essay: I had previously completed a similar exercise about finding my strengths when I was in High School. I still remember questioning myself, why am I...
I'm Li Ling and my English name is Judy.Now this term is from September to December.I have many subjects this term.They are math,Chinese,English ,history,computer,music,art and P.E.My favorite subjects are English and P.E.I can talk(交读)with some classmates ...
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