兔传染性黏液瘤(Myxomatosis)是一种由粘液瘤病毒(Myxoma virus)所引发的猛烈疾病,该病毒具有很强的宿主特异性:欧洲兔和家兔品种最容易受到感染,但美洲兔和欧洲野兔也可能被感染,但人类及其他家禽家畜不会感染。该病毒主要通过昆虫(蚊、跳蚤之机械性传播)传播,也会透过母体的血液传染给幼兔。该病主要发生在7月底至...
Myxomatosis一词最初用于描述由特定病毒引起的粘液瘤病变,这些病变通常涉及体内粘液组织的异常增生。 该疾病最初于1896年在南美洲、加州及墨西哥等地区被发现,主要由粘液瘤病毒(Myxoma virus)引发。这种病毒属于痘病毒(poxvirus)家族,特别是兔痘病毒属(leporipoxvirus),具有双股螺旋DNA作为遗传...
兔传染性黏液瘤 (Myxomatosis) 是一种由粘液瘤病毒(Myxoma virus)所引发的猛烈疾病,主要感染对象为兔子且对人类、其他家禽家畜无害。最初在1896年于南美洲与加州、墨西哥等地区被发现,传染媒介主要是附着在壁虱、蚊子叮咬传播,也会透过母体的血液传染给幼兔。感染兔子会有眼结膜炎、皮肤下产生充满黏液与胶质状的肿块...
美[ˌmɪksəməˈtoʊsɪs] 英[ˌmɪksəməˈtəʊsɪs] n.兔黏液瘤病;多发黏液瘤病 网络多发性粘液瘤;兔粘液瘤病;多发性黏液瘤 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 myxomatosis n. 1. 兔黏液瘤病;多发黏液瘤病an infectious disease of rabbits that usually causes death...
rabbitsMyxomatosis is a highly infectious viral disease of rabbits. Myxoma virus (MYXV) is not pathogenic to other animal species except for rabbits and hares. In Poland, outbreaks of myxomatosis mainly occur on small-scale size rabbit farms in which specific immunoprophylaxis is not carried ...
Myxomatosis is a fatal disease in rabbits caused by the myxoma virus; it is similar to the smallpox virus in people. It was first discovered in England in the 1950s where it came across the Channel from France (where it had been released illegally). It has been endemic in the UK rabb...
Horizontal transmissible protection against myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease by using a recombinant myxoma virus Protection against myxomatosis and rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease with recombinant myxoma viruses expressing rabbit hemorrhagic di... ...
1.Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was susceptible to a fatal virus disease, myxomatosis. 科学家们发现,这种特殊品种的兔子易患一种叫“多发性粘液瘤”的致命毒性疾病。 2.As he trailed sadly off, the stump mike caught his rueful rendition of Larkin’s myxomatosis:...
Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was susceptible to a fatal virus disease,myxomatosis. 科学家们发现,这种特殊品质的兔子易患一种叫做“多发性粘液瘤”的致命病毒性疾病. 互联网 The greater part of the rabbit population of Britain went under to the disease ofmyxomatosis. ...