Myths and Legends of China is a book by British sinologist Edward T.C. Werner, first published in 1922. The author consulted mostly Chinese sources to splice together this broad look at Chinese traditional folklore, related to all three of the main Chinese religions; Buddhism, Confucianism and ...
Myths & legends of China by Werner, E. T. C. (Edward Theodo.pdf The chief literary sources of Chinese myths are the Li tai shen hsien t’ung chien, in thirty-two volumes, the Shen hsien lieh chuan, in eight volumes, the Feng shen yen i, in eight volumes, and the Sou shen chi...
《中国故事》(第一集)the story of chinamyths and legends(英汉对照).pdf,TheStoryof China () 1 Myths And Legends I. Script China is the oldest nation on earth. For thousands of years its rulers believed their task was to k p human society in balanc with t
CHAPTERIII.Cosmogony−p'anKuandtheCreationMyth...27 CHAPTERIV.TheGodsofChina...33 CHAPTERV.MythsoftheStars...
Myths and legends of china 中国神话故事英文.ppt,Myths and legends of china 中国神话故事英文 Four folklore——民间四大传说 Cowherd and weaver girl ——牛郎织女 Meng Jiangnv’s Bitter Weeping ——孟姜女哭长城 Butterfly Lovers ——梁山伯与祝英台 The story o
Mythsandlegendsofchina 中 国 神 话 与 传 奇 Fourfolklore——民间四大传 说 ª Cowherdandweavergirl ——牛郎织女 ª MengJiangnv’sBitterWeeping ——孟姜女哭长城 ª ButterflyLovers ——梁山伯与祝英台 ª ThestoryofWhiteSnake ——白蛇传 ...
Mythsandleg1endsofchina Fourfolklore——民间四大传说 Cowherdandweavergirl——牛郎织女 MengJiangnv’sBitterWeeping——孟姜女哭长城 ButterflyLovers——梁山伯与祝英台 ThestoryofWhiteSnake——白蛇传 2 3 Cowherdandweavergirl Passedlongago,Weaverandtheskyrealmwherethegametogether,batheinthe...
Learn about myths and legends in China. Explore Chinese myths such as Pangu & the Five Sacred Mountains and Chinese legends like the Journey to the...
Mythology of Asia and the Far East : myths and legends of China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia This is an authoritative A-to-Z guide to the mythologies and legends of China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Over 150 alphabetical entries describe the central mythical figures ...