In Kaos, Covell rewrites this situation as a tale of actual love between Hades and Persephone, and the myth as one of bad PR spread by Hera. "Every kid on Earth, when they learn about the Underworld, they think I'm there against my will," Ayola's Persephone says in Kaos, explaining...
"[Hephaistos addresses his mother Hera :] ‘There was a time once before now I was minded to help you, and he caught me by the foot and threw me from the magic threshold, and all day long I dropped helpless, and about sunset I landed in Lemnos, and there was not much life left ...
Rhea, Cronos fathered the Olympian gods: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. But Cronos, fearing prophecy like his father, decided toeat his childrenas soon as they were born. Talk about harsh parenting!
Literary texts at length have tried to explore incest as social and psychological deviance but the discussion moves to the margins of the narrative into unspoken or rather “unspeakable” territory. The mainstream discourse prevents the writers from representing and speaking about the theme of incest ...
Earth (Gaia) and Sky (Ouranos/Uranus), who are considered elemental forces, produced numerous offspring: 100-armed monsters, one-eyed Cyclops, and the Titans. Earth was sad because the very unpaternal Sky wouldn't let their children see the light of day, so she did something about it. Sh...
Silver footed, fair haired Thetis, Ares the God of War, Nike the Goddess of Victory, The Furies and The Muses, Zeus the presiding deity of the Universe and the...
the Muses’, Hermes’s, Hera’s, etc. as a blessing necessity as well as a curse to men. . Textbook: Unit 03 Task 3: Pandora’s Box 4. Feminist Reading of Pandora Gods punish men for civilization/brutality, but women become the scapegoat. Her story is really about men’s gull...
January 1st has been celebrated as a holiday by Western nations for only about the past 400 years." - New Year's Day "You'd be so lean, that blast of January Would blow you through and through. Now, my fair'st friend, I would I had some flowers o' the spring that might Become...