The centaur is half man, half horse; the echidna is a snake woman; the manticore is part human, part lion, part dragon; and the satyr is a manlike being with the lower body of a goat. In mythology, hybrid creatures often have a dualistic nature. ...
So he guessed that a woman from them, reached Lake Tritonis, and harried the neighbours until Perseus killed her; Athena was supposed to have helped him in this exploit, because the people who live around Lake Tritonis are sacred to her."Perseus, beheaded Medusa and Athena, Athenian red-...
Scylla was a woman from the waist up. From the bottom down, she was a many headed monster. She had 6 heads on long, snake-like necks and 12 feet. Each head had several rows of sharp fangs. How did Scylla become a monster? There are a few versions of how Scylla became a monster,...
“monsters” today. By definition they are beautiful yet dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. These creatures are described as an irresistible mixture of woman and bird. Sirens, or otherwise known as...
Gods and goddesses of wisdom are usually sagacious counselors or studious scribes. However, some cultures also envision them as divine tricksters.
The Greeks believed them to be inferior deities and that Zeus assigned one daemon to each man and woman at his birth, to attend, protect and guide him or her and at his or her death dying with him or her. They were nameless, and like the multitude of mankind, innumerable. Some of ...
So he guessed that a woman wandered from them, reached Lake Tritonis, and harried the neighbours until Perseus killed her; Athena was supposed to have helped him in this exploit, because the people who live around Lake Tritonis are sacred to her."...
Three foul women with wings, snake-hair, and eyes that cry blood who punish sinners on earth and in the underworld. p43, 79 The Furies Frightful flying creatures, part woman and part bird, with hooked beaks and claws, who leave behind them an unbearable stench. ...
The gods helped Perseus to defeat Medusa, the snake-haired gorgon, who had been cursed to be so ugly she turned anyone who looked directly at her to stone. Perseus cleverly used the reflection of his shield to slay the gorgon and hurried back to rescue the Princess of Argos, Andromeda, ...
Ewa Wierbik:“First of all, the amount of work put in to that artwork deserves to be mentioned. I like the storytelling, it really tells you what is happening. Hopefully the knight will finally rescue a poor woman. 🙂 Very nicely executed, good job!” ...