88 Chinese mythical creatures, demons, and monsters to know about. The great Middle Kingdom is positively full of such fantastical beings.
- Humans who can willingly take the form of an animal while maintaining their consciousness. - Man-eating beautiful women whose song compels men to them. Sphinx- The half-human, half-lion that forces those it meets to answer its riddles, or die. ...
In Italian, the word for a motorcycle racer is centauro, a centaur, the mythical animal that is half-man, half-horse. In italiano i motociclisti si chiamano " centauri ", figure mitologiche, metà uomo e metà cavallo. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Led by the newly resurrected Hippolyta and her...
Centaur. Half human and half horse, a Centaur is a mythical creature from Greek mythology. They are described as a head and torso of a man with his waist attached to the horse’s withers. Faun. Believed to be forest spirits that guide or hinder humans, Fauns are adapted from Greek and...
Centaur is a half-man, half-horse originating from Greek Mythology, that symbolizes duality, primal drive, and paradox. Find out more about Centaur symbolism now to uncover the hidden meaning of these creatures and the Animal Medicine and Sacred Wisdom they share! ... Read More Cerastes Symboli...
The Minotaur, a Greek mythological creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull, was known to dwell in the Labyrinth, where it was kept to prevent its ravenous appetite from consuming humans. Trolls, as mentioned in Nordic folklore, are often depicted as cunning beings living ...
(of an animal or plant) having parents of different species or varieties Oxford Dictionaries Online In ancient Roman legend and statuary, for example the faun - a half man, half goat - was a common figure. A faun was typically depicted as having the head, torso and arms of a human ...
All Yowie appear to be man or ape like but much taller than humans and covered with some sort of long hair or fur. Yowies are said to smell like the sparks given off by an electrical appliance as it burns out so it is easy to tell if one is lurking about because the smell is so...
As Christianity started to spread around the island of Ireland, the beliefs of animal worshipping, including the idea of Pookas being Gods, started to vanish gradually. Like many other supernaturalpaganbeings, the myth of the Pookah was unacceptable to the new faith and was subsequently vilified...
The animated film Shrek would have you believe that ogres are secretly gentle beings with layers of emotion, but don’t let your guard down around them! Where to find one: in Oscar Wilde’s short story, “The Selfish Giant”, we learn that the titular character has returned from visiting...