-- Beneath Blue Waters: Meetings With Remarkable Deep Sea Creatures. -- Big Cat Mysteries of Somerset. -- Cadborosaurus: Survivor from the Deep. -- Chased by Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Predators of the Deep. -- Chupacabra, You Don't Scare Me! -- Chupacabras and Other Mysteries. -- Crypt...
Nixie – Germanic mythical creatures often depicted as mermaids or shape-shifters Phoenix – Legendary bird of the sun that has the power to resurrect itself in Greek mythology Sylph – Fairy-like creature in Western cultures Some Things To Consider When Choosing Mythical Names Many mythical name...
-- Beneath Blue Waters: Meetings With Remarkable Deep Sea Creatures. -- Big Cat Mysteries of Somerset. -- Cadborosaurus: Survivor from the Deep. -- Chased by Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Predators of the Deep. -- Chupacabra, You Don't Scare Me! -- Chupacabras and Other Mysteries. -- Crypt...
Multiple creatures in Irish mythology share characteristics similar to those of the Pooka. Shape Shifting – The Myth of Pookas Anne Anderson’s Beauty and the Beast Illustration Kelpies A Kelpie is a pixie horse of Scottish origin. It translates to “the Lowland name of a demon in the shape...
True to its name, the encantado is fond of abducting humans with whom they fall in love, the children born of their illicit love affairs, or simply anyone lingering near the river. The fear of these dolphin-like creatures is so great that the people who live along the Amazon River are ...
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The sound it makes is like its name. It is easily scared. Human Fish Physical Description: Looks like a catfish with four feet. Special Properties: The sound it makes is like babies crying. Consuming its meat protects against dementia. ...
The name refers to the ‘Mara demon’ and the Slavic and Greek roots of the name relate to “death” and “nightmare.” This sinister sounding being comes in the form of different creatures, sometimes a horse, cat, frog and even human form, and were said to enter the rooms of victims...
they bring to life the magical world of mythical elves and fairy tale creatures, making them an ideal addition to any collection. **Educational and Entertaining** Not only are these figures beautifully designed, but they also serve an educational purpose. Each piece is a meticulously crafted mode...
-- Beneath Blue Waters: Meetings With Remarkable Deep Sea Creatures. -- Big Cat Mysteries of Somerset. -- Cadborosaurus: Survivor from the Deep. -- Chased by Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Predators of the Deep. -- Chupacabra, You Don't Scare Me! -- Chupacabras and Other Mysteries. -- Crypt...