We’ve listed 520+ mythical names of different gods,goddesses, and other legendary figures below. The Best Legendary &Mythological Baby Names What’s A Greek God Name? The Olympian gods (or the gods of Mount Olympus), led byZeusandHera,arethe most famousGreek mythologygods. There are, howev...
16 Weird Animal Names That Have Us Scratching Our Heads Vote 11 The Sea Monk Photo: Gandvik Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0 Ok, just take a moment to look at this thing. Really. Can you do anything but really giggle-snort at it? Of course, just because it's absurd-looking ...
Grey Neighbours, the -One of the euphemistic names for the fairies given by the Shetlanders to the Trows, the small gray-clad goblins whom the Shetlanders used to propitiate and fear, using against them many of the means used all over the islands as protection against fairies. Guillyn Vegg...
Lord Surya. There is not much available about his family, but following briefly tells about the family of this great archer, the Rashmirathi. Karna an also be regarded as the ultimate tragic hero from Mahabharata. Karna and Kunti In some texts, Vrushali has been names as the wife of .....