for M+, raid and PVP, shared across all characters. The M+ statistics for example show highest and lowest keys for fort/tyr and there's a dropdown in the topleft where you can select a key of one of your group mates and see how much score you or any of your alts would gain. ...
作 者msanity @ Curse 譯 者BNS (三皈依 - 暗影之月) 修 改 者BNS (三皈依 - 暗影之月) 指令:/rg 層數,例如:/rg 19 下載 其他版本 檔案名稱檔案版本檔案大小下載次數上傳時間註 記上傳者 MythicPlusRatingGain+v1.4.1.zip永恆之盡1.64 KB742022-04-10三皈依...
You can quick-set a rating and itemlevel by clicking the red buttons on the right side of each field. The adventure journal gives you a quick overview of each ability without having to switch to a different difficulty (most of the time anyway...). Sometimes the way they've written the...
In the new search panel you can sort groups by their dungeon/pvp or raid rating/progress, see what specs the group currently has, if it's a warmode group, etc. Also via the expand button you can see their M+ and raid progress and some additional info. When you use a filter and th...