So, we put Blood DK in B tier, and it's probably going to remain in B tier while other tanks might climb as the Season progresses because Blood DK still has the same issue of being one-shotted, which is a very unreliable way to have a tank. But it has probably the highest DPS ...
You can see the insane amounts of healing coming out of the Blood DK, with a huge spike at 1 hour 20 mark, which seems to have been just a really big trash pack. And here's Mulini's commentary on the run: Gear: 229.18 06,00% Crit, 20,03% Haste- 12,50% Vers, 63,49% Mast...
Kil'jaeden for the Cutting Edge achievement, they wouldn't have expected that a Blood Death Knight tank would have to solo arguably the worst boss in World of Warcraft for over a minute to score the win for the team. The
Hey everyone! I’ve been thinking about the role of Mythic Plus (M+) dungeons in the World of Warcraft endgame and how they might be affecting our raiding experiences. Lately I’ve seen improvements within the raiding sce…
Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 disc priest, 1 holy paladin, 1 dk dps/blood flex, 1 fury war, 2 ranged dps(strong preference for spriest+warlock) 1 bm hunter… Potentially 1 other stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not ...
I historically have mained a tank (kept a bear, blood dk, and prot pally mythic-ready last expansion and a bm monk for Uldir) but also dabble in dps (mained a lock for a bit in WoD) and am not opposed to healing. tl:dr- Most comfortable on tank/ranged dps but can do whatever...
Brewmaster Monk/Blood DK* DPS: Mage Shadow Priest w/ OS Disc Elemental Shaman BM/MM Hunter Warlock *Tank must be capable of playing and maintaining a BrM AND BDK Raid nights are Tue/Wed/Thur 8PM PST - 11PM PST Previous Raid Progression: ...
Tanks: Blood DK or Brewmaster Monk DPS: Balance Druid, Elemental Shaman, Shadow Priest, Mage Healers: Preferably Resto Shaman, Holy Paladin, or Holy/Disc Priest with capable dps off spec, but all will be considered If interested or want more information, please add Dimpz#11953 or KinetiKz#15...
Brewmaster Monk/Blood DK* DPS: Mage Shadow Priest w/ OS Disc Elemental Shaman BM/MM Hunter Warlock *Tank must be capable of playing and maintaining a BrM AND BDK Raid nights are Tue/Wed/Thur 8PM PST - 11PM PST Previous Raid Progression: 11/11M ABT CE 8/8M Uldir CE 9/9M BoD CE ...
Hey all I’m looking to trial for a semi hardcore mythic guild I’m looking for something early morning EST or mid afternoon preferably 2 days a week looking to put the time and effort into playing at a high end game level…