However, for those looking for a greater challenge (and greater damage output as a reward), then our Advanced build may be more appropriate. Regardless of your choice, you have additional talent variety to consider based on a number of factors; these "flex" talentsare highlighted further below...
Update: it seems the video and reddit post have been deleted, if I had to guess it would most likely be due to the somewhat nasty comments regarding the player's skill and them having caused the wipe. We've seen close killswith the last player coming back via Ankh or the Bonesmith, ...
Medium: Disc priest with holy OS, shadow priest, unholy dk, RDPS Low: any all exceptional applicants will be looked at seriously, we are an equal opportunity guild About Dishonored: We are a multi expansion CE guild who just moved off of Kilrogg / Winterhoof to Emerald Dream. We have a...
Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 holy paladin, 1 disc priest, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one ...
Paladins are warriors of the light, using holy energy to heal their allies or deal devastating blows to their enemies. They’re like a Priest but with a hammer. Paladins are a very diverse class, and they can take on all three of WoW’s roles: Tank, Healer, and DPS. With each Paladi...
Mists of Tirna Scithe Halls of Atonement Keystones can be obtained from the Keystone Vendor in Orobos. Presently, all keystones will be for Mythic +10 and once your run has started players should have their item level scaled appropriately. Please note that the Teeming affix is currently unavailab...
You cannot change your items or talents inside the dungeon. You can leave the dungeon and do so, and summon stones also work inside Mythic+ dungeons. You cannot, at any point, change members during Mythic+. The players that were present when the key startedmustbe the only ones present thr...
Flex Healer:HOLY/SHADOW PRIEST HIGH PRIORITY Range DPS:Shadow Priest, Warlock, Mage, Elemental Shaman Melee DPS:Demon Hunter, Retribution Paladin Contact Information: GM:Kameron#1822 Officers: Pachyderm#1286 (Btag) Loupy#1350 (Btag) Wolffy#1290 (Discord) ...
399 Boomkin and 388 Holy/Disc Priest duo are looking for a 2-3 day mythic guild that raids during the week (no weekends, please) between 7-midnight EST. We are currently 4/9H experienced with 8/8H 3/8M Uldir experience. …