The Motor MythBusters team sets out to fulfill Tory's childhood dream of building a full-scale Flintstones car and test if it's possible to overcome the friction and inertia of a two-ton, wood and stone vehicle using just the power of their feet. Episode 3 Underwater EV Bisi, Faye and...
Multiple MythBusters episodes were dedicated to investigating the uses of duct tape. Duct tape can be used to make a large trebuchet, shelter, rope, kayaks, clothing, canoes, a bridge, a sail boat, a cannon, and even a full-scale airplane. Duct tape can be used to lift a car, temporar...
Fact: The full statement from Oda was "And as far as something that will hold true for both the manga and the anime, this will be Luffy's last adventure as a 17 year-old". However, this is not referring to Luffy getting older in the chapters and episodes immediately following Strong ...