The excessive pragmatism in question is expressed above all in this sentence: “whenever we ask ‘what’s the meaning of “X?”‘, we are really asking, ‘what is the significance of “X” for maintaining and enhancing our lives.'” (107) This pragmatic claim is simply not true. Some ...
1977. The Origin and Meaning of Courtly Love: A Critical Study of European Scholarship. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Google Scholar] Cardona Castro, Ángeles. 1984. La mística sufí y su función en la mística española: De Ramón Llull a San Juan de la Cruz. In Santa ...
ДАСТВАКОР, ДИЛБАЁРУ, meaning literally hand at work, heart with god (in tajik). untitled (gaptcha, fапча, qaptcha, kапча) each mirror work feature a ‘captcha’ (a test designed to determine whether an online user is really a human or a bot) ...