“lost” three influencer clients to unexplained deaths, and he certainly doesn’t want to lose any more. He’s not in doubt about who is behind these deaths. It’s François Lubet, a former client and money-smuggler, and Jeff is writing to him to let him know that he will take ...
what I remember best, and took to heart, was his description of his research process. He said that when writing he intentionally postpones what he calls “applied research” until near the end. During this time he is also reading novels written by others that are set in the same historical...
Jeff got his writing inspiration initially from his grandparents, two Southern-style storytellers. He wrote his first novel in high school, a handwritten set of 500 pages, which the author considers “horrible.” While he never really studied writing in courses or classes, he became serious about...
But not me. I came to writing via the scenic route, completely oblivious to the fork in the road ahead which would lead me into this life. Before I was a writer, I was a lawyer. Before that, I thought I wanted be an Astrophysicist. Indeed, it took me about a year at University,...
I am having so much fun writing fiction again. The characters write the story for me, and I’m just sitting back and watching all the fun, drama, intrigue and action! The first three books are all planned, and I’m already a third of the way through the second book, which is also...
Because I don’t plot, every book idea evolves as I’m writing. Usually, I have a spark of an idea — a premise, a set-up, a character conflict — something that interests me. If the idea isn’t working, I tweak it as I write. Sometimes, a story just flows and the idea was ...
Defusing the North Sea’s Graveyard of Bombs Can NASA’s New X-Plane Finally Hush Sonic Booms? China Just Unveiled Two Sixth-Gen Fighter Jets Is This the Solution to UAP Confusion for Pilots? Why AGM Car Batteries Are The Future
but the money fell through. That’s when I decided to turn it into a novel where I could embark on a more serious exploration into the concept. Once I finally began the novel it took me seven years. During that time I often found myself split off to do film or other writing projects...
Howe says in interview: ‘What I do every day comes from one impulse, whether it’s writing or washing, to convert — to be wholehearted, happy, brave, faithful, without a doubt. Contradiction has gotten me the closest to this experience’ (Poets). As Fanny Howe writes on the first ...
Robert Bruce, writing to ask Lord Hamilton to head the party of the Kirk, is said to request him to return his own letter by the bearer. Gowrie and Logan practised the same method. The indictment goes on to say that Bower, being unable to read, asked Sprot to search for Logan’s ...