The Katie Fry series offers a simple but fun introduction to solving mysteries. In Katie Fry, Private Eye #1: The Lost Kitten, this bright young protagonist finds a cat named Sherlock and makes it her mission to trace his steps back home. Elisabetta Maria Dami, creator of adventurer mouse...
Of the 143825 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the anime Layton's Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files.
Our hero in her newest is Gideon Green, an amateur detective with a passion for getting to the truth, which makes him a perfect pairing with journalist Tess when his former best friend, Lily, recruits him for the school paper as his cover for solving a case. Now Gideon’s trying to pat...
Something is really fishy there. Mystery Games for kids are full of Mystery museum and Detective games. Have fun playing Mystery case files Huntsville, and solve cases. Look out for treasure in Treasures of mystery land, enjoy online games. Try solving cases in new games too....
They are an amateur group of four teenagers and a talking Great Dane who began mystery solving as kids in the city of Coolsville and eventually across the globe while driving their primary vehicle the Mystery Machine. Contents1 Team Description2...
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The Deanville Cemetery or, “The Boneyard,” as the kids call it, is the final resting place of many of the town elders as well as Deanville’s founder, Colonel Pappy Dean - pioneer, visionary, and Civil War hero. \ The Secret Clearing ...
She’s quirky but still wants to fit in, she makes a mistake and then makes is worse, her best friend is from a single-parent home. But, she faces her mistakes, apologizes when it’s necessary, and ends up making new friends – and solving some neighborhood mysteries – along the way...
Puzzle Solving & Teamwork Family Friendly Challenging for Kids & Adults Discover Locate the Hidden Creatures Augmented Reality to bring Creatures to Life Use our App to play the game Find up to 20 Hidden Creatures Explore indoor & outdoor locations in your city ...