Shop more of the best mystery series for kids below! Plus, explore our Scholastic Parents book lists to discover thebest children's booksby age, interest, and more. You can find all books and activities atThe Scholastic Store. Books | Individual Titles | Paperback Book ...
New Paranormal Mystery Series for Kids has a New Ghostbusting Team that Helps Ghosts.Dawn Colclasure
Abi Wunder series. Click this link for your colouring pages! “What’s this?” Kaylee stooped to gather up a bunch of dried leaves and fluff lying on the front porch. About to toss it away, she stopped. “Wait, this isn’t trash.” ...
With the help of his friends, he follows a series of clues that lead him deep into the heart of Rocky Mountain National Park. 41. The Mystery Of Darkhill School Shop Now On Amazon This one is for your kids who love ghost stories! Upon arrival in her new town, Bella Gubbins ...
Fritz Lang's gripping thriller While the City Sleeps delves into the cutthroat world of journalism through the story of three newspapermen competing for the top position at their publication while simultaneously trying to solve a series of brutal murders committed by a serial killer dubbed "The Lip...
Kids Definition mystery noun mys·tery ˈmis-t(ə-)rē plural mysteries 1 a : a religious truth that cannot be fully understood b : any of the 15 events (as the Nativity, the Crucifixion, or the Assumption) which serve as subjects for meditation by Roman Catholics as ...
First Clues: Mysteries for Kidsis a website just for kids who love mystery books. Our list of series mysteries are categorized by age: New Sleuth (appropriate for readers aged 4 to 6), Junior Sleuth (ages 7 to 9), Cadet Sleuth (ages 10 to 12), and Apprentice Sleuth (ages 13 and ...
David A. Kelly:Ballpark Mystery Series Andrew Lane:Young Sherlock Holmes Mystery Series Caroline Lawrence:Roman Mysteries Series Carole Marsh: Real Kids, Real Places Mystery Series (The Mystery in New York City) Louise Moeri:A Horse for X.Y.Z. ...
Six adventurous strangers travel to a mysterious building to experience the escape room -- a game where players compete to solve a series of puzzles to win $10,000. What starts out as seemingly innocent fun soon turns into a living nightmare as the four men and two women discover each room...
but her own judgment. She wonders aloud whether everything magic and Wiccan Kat had introduced her was phony, slight of hand, and a series of hoaxes intending to fool Skylar for her own benefit. I inadvertently offended members of the Wiccan community with my portrayal of the witches and wiz...