Perhaps in the matter of pure picturesqueness the most serious thing that ever happened to England was the discovery of galvanized iron roofing; but, after all, there was never anything but quiet and rich and comfortable beauty about red roofs, whereas the living windmill is not only beautiful...
L. The fluid mosaic model of the structure of cell membranes. Science 175, 720–731 (1972). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Yu, J., Fischman, D. A. & Steck, T. L. Selective solubilization of proteins and phospholipids from red blood cell membranes by nonionic detergents. J. Supra...
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Is declaring something a mystery more acceptable in the domain of religion (e.g., “Why does prayer work? It's a mystery”) than in the domain of science (e.g., “Why does the Moon cause tides? It's a mystery”)? We hypothesize that the answer to both questions is yes, and we...
Science history will record that the search for the expansion rate of the universe was the great Holy Grail of 20th-century cosmology. Without any observational evidence for space expanding, contracting, or standing still, we wouldn’t have a clue as to whether the universe was coming...
01/17/1974 0012 You Can Die Again A husband believes himself culpable for the murder of his wife. He is also convinced of his affair with another woman. But he simply can't persuade a police officer to believe either. 33 336 01/18/1974 0013 A Ring of Roses A trip to the country...
This epic science fantasy about giant robots that eat people, tyrannical AI deities, and totalitarian police states follows a man named Sunai who cannot die. He was inferfacing with his AI god when it corrupted and now he’s immortal and upset about it. He’s been killed plenty of times ...
Ankita Das is a DST INSPIRE Research Fellow in computational chemistry at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata. Monirul Islam is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry, S.A. Jaipuria College, Kolkata. Ruhi Das is an Assistant Professor at the Chemistry De...
Science Fiction:“The Ministry of Time” by Kaliane Bradley Thriller:“One of Our Kind” by Nicola Yoon “The Women” by Kristin Hannah and “Funny Story” by Emily Henry—both amongOverDrive’s top-circulating books of 2024—earned top honours in their respective categories, solidifying their...
I have come to view these aspects of nature as ‘strangely wonderful’. Reference: “Quantum entanglement of optical photons: the first experiment, 1964–67” by Carl A. Kocher, 1 July 2024,Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.