Michael Curtiz’s Doctor X (1932) is an eerie horror-thriller that captures audiences’ imaginations with its unsettling blend of mystery and science fiction elements. Starring Lionel Atwill as Dr. Xavier – a scientist seeking to unmask a murderer within his ranks – alongside Fay Wray as int...
CBS Radio Mystery Theater | Ordeal by Fire || Diary of a Madman | Broadcast: March 21 & 25, 1974 02:28 Ordeal by Fire - Murray BurnettMarch 21, 1974A father and daughter are crippled with 3rd degree burns for refusing a $1 million demand by a man who can control elemental fire. It...
Florence Pugh is fantastic as Lib Wright, the stoic, science-driven English nurse sent to investigate. Over the course of a few weeks, Lib is charged with watching Anna (Kíla Lord Cassidy) for 12 hours at a day, while a nun observes during the other 12, to determine if there’s a ...
Mystery Science Theater 3000is a show that will not die. It has moved through so many incarnations, starting on a local TV station, moving to basic cable, on two different networks (three if you count The Comedy Channel, which turned into Comedy Central.) Wh...
The ability to take Agatha Christie and put that kind of writing into fantasy worlds, or science-fiction worlds, or zombie apocalypses… No, I’m not talking about occult detective fiction like The Dresden Files, but 100% authentic Golden Age-inspired puzzle plots inspired by the worlds ...
“We’re planning a science project,” Timmy intervened. Louisa looked at him with narrowed eyes. “A science project that needs video cameras and voice recorders?” “We’re doing an experiment on . . . sound properties. Of different spaces,” he made up on the spot, looking over at ...
I have been a way of Mystery Science Theater 3000 or MST3K (to hardcore fans) since it first started airing on TV. I have always admired classic 50/60’s cheesy sci-fi/horror films growing up and this was a great way to enjoy it on a new level through humor. MST3K was produced ...
Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore 2864 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407 Newsletter #130 June — August, 2020 Hours: M-F 10 am to 7 pm Sat. 10 am to 6 pm; Sun. Noon to 5 pm Uncle Hugo's 612-824-6347 Uncle Edgar's 612-824-9984 Fax...
becomes involved in the world of western art when it appears the famed Custer’s Last Fight painting, believed to have been lost in a fire, is actually still around with several shady characters out to find it. While entertaining, Johnson uses the tale to examine points of view in history...
Faced with this perspective offered by emergence, science discovers the mystery of the cosmos in a new light, thereby opening the door to an ever deeper understanding and new avenues of research. An essential characteristic of this revised scientific method, inspired by cross-disciplinarity, is ...