原因是在背包顶部Mystery Ranch的品牌绣字之上,在品牌名称下面会有一行小字会绣上生产地名称,据友人称如果菲律宾版本会绣上Clark Field PI或者没有绣上产地名称,而美制版本会绣上Bozeman MT, USA字样。如果对生产地没要求,那可选择菲律宾制的版本,价格也会让你省上了一点。或者像我喜爱虚荣,就不要考虑的选上美制...
我们再来看看外部吧~从背包上方的商标,可以看到这是款美国制的神秘农场Mystery Ranch包~因为下方写着:Bozeman MT USA字样! 商标上的Bozeman是神秘农场Mystery Ranch包美国工厂的所在地城市,若是菲律宾制的话就是写Clark Filed PI~ 背包顶部也有着大片的魔术贴区域(15cm x 10cm) 再来是背包的两侧,上方有3x3的molle...
换句话说有些是战术背心上的配件、无线电袋、水壶袋、小包等都可以加装上去 我选择的是沙色(原厂则是称为COYOTE狼棕色)背包,如果是美国制造的就会打BOZEMAN MT USA等字样。 正面的压缩带:乍看之下,一般的户外背包也都会有,但是他们家的带扣是有锁定功能的!可以防止带子滑动 压缩带末端也有魔术贴!可以把压缩带卷...
The Ranch Architecture of a MYSTERY RANCH Backpack With over four decades of design and manufacturing experience – coupled with simultaneous in-the-field testing and real-world hammering – we've learned a thing or two about load transfer, active framing and the importance of using only the ...
另外看到MR 的3D什么的标识上写的都是Mystery Ranch bozeman MT USA,但这款上面写的是Mystery Ranch ...
代表未来在中国/香港/台湾有可能买到mysteryranch??Thank you for your interest in Mystery Ranch ...
Outside Bozemanexplains, “Through building packs for the military, Dana and crew found other hardworking groups–wilderness fire fighters, medical workers, and hotshot crews–who needed quality above all else, and thus developed a deep reliance on Mystery Ranch products. “If our packs don’t ...
Mystery Ranch Terraplane Backpack, US Army Mountain Division, Mystery Ranch Scepter 50, Mystery Ranch Street Zen, The Great American Ranch Features: |Usa Conscription| **Durable and Versatile Design** Crafted with precision, the Mystery Ranch Bozeman MT Embroidery Patches are not just a decorative...