Step 1 Determine the age range of picture-book children you want to target. Picture books for 2 to 3 year-olds are different from those for 4 to 6 year- olds. Step 2 Develop an understanding of what kinds of picture books are most appealing to the picture-book age children you wish t...
Bertram -- To the Galactic Rim: The Road to the Rim / To Prime the Pump / The Hard Way Up / The Broken Cycle $12.00 (John Grimes: Omnibus reprint; 3 novels and a short story collection featuring the space adventures of John Grimes) Compton, Stoney -- Alaska Republik $7.99 (PBO; ...
. . . $9.99 McMann, Lisa The Unwanteds (Kids; In a society that purges 13-year-olds who are creative, identical twins Aaron and Alex are separated, one to attend University while the other, supposedly Eliminated, finds himself in a wondrous place where youths hone their creativity and ...
When major depressive disorder, seizures, and an eating disorder leads to hopelessness, lack of interest, loss of pleasure, and worse: alcohol abuse, self-mutilation, isolation, anxiety, panic attacks, physical illness, and suicidal feelings, seventeen-year-olds Mia Callan and Milo Chatham who onl...
Problem is, how many eighteen-year-olds do you know who are allowed to drive around in a snappy roadster and solve mysteries for fun? Nancy’s father never nagged her about getting a job or studying harder at school. He was an unending source of emotional and financial support. His sterne...