The Mysterious Island - Part 2. Abandoned - Chapter 2Jules Verne
To the northwest rose Mount Franklin, which concealed a great part of the horizon. But Herbert, from the height of his observatory, could examine all the yet unknown portion of the island, which might have given shelter to the strangers whose presence they suspected. The lad looked attentively...
The Mysterious Island(神秘岛),《神秘岛》描写在美国南北战争时,有五名北军俘虏乘坐气球逃离里士满,中途遭遇风暴,被抛到太平洋的一个荒岛上的故事。 在小岛上,他们团结互助,依靠自己的智慧和过人的毅力,顽强地生存下来,创造了幸福的生活。《神秘岛》颂扬了人类
PART 2. ABANDONED Chapter 1 It was now exactly seven months since the balloon voyagers had been thrown on Lincoln Island. During that time, notwithstanding the researches they had made, no human being had been discovered. No smoke even had betrayed the presence of man on the surface of the...
【字幕解说】MF M..前言目前我只开坑不更新,于是想看到正片的自行退散(不论吧规怎么说,本帖不禁喝(反正这玩意也不是什么正经帖子)(不过我不会说是因为我怕自己不小心发个喝了什么的)本楼请勿回复,如果有动态我会在这里贴出来~
There was not a trace of a habitation in any part, not the print of a human foot on the shore of the island, which after four hours’ walking had been gone completely round. It was to say the least very extraordinary, and they were compelled to believe that Tabor Island was not or ...
“But an island exists in this part of the Pacific already!”“An island?” cried Pencroft.“Tabor Island.”“An important island?”“No, an islet lost in the Pacific, and which perhaps has never been visited.”“Well, we will visit it,” said Pencroft.“We?”“Yes, captain. We ...
"There has been a wreck, then, in some part of the island," said Herbert. "Evidently," replied Spilett. "But what's in this chest?" cried Pencroft, with very natural impatience. "What's in this chest? It is shut up, and nothing to open it with! Well, perhaps a stone " And ...
The colonization is already almost finished; names are given to every part of the island; there is a natural port, fresh water, roads, a telegraph, a dockyard, and manufactories; and there will be nothing to be done but to inscribe Lincoln Island on the maps!" "But if anyone seizes ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《神秘岛 The Mysterious Island [法] 儒勒·凡尔纳 著 英文版原版 经典英语文库入选书目 世界经典文学名著 英语原版无删减》,作者:[法] 儒勒·凡尔纳 著,出版社:辽宁人民出版社。最新《神秘岛 The Mysterious Island [法] 儒勒·凡尔纳 著