Did you fly or were you on a boat? Follow Up Postings… http://www.file.net/bermudatrianglepicture.htm BERMUDA TRIANGLE LOOKING SOUTH FROM APEX OF TRIANGLE Bermuda triangle starts here! Location of camera and soon to be live video. Return to home page Bermudatriangle The information contained...
We continued to work together remotely and on our next two papers on ephemeral active regions (Harvey, Harvey, and Martin 1975; Martin and Harvey 1979). Much later, we contributed work on ephemeral regions to a paper on the overlap of successive solar cycles with Peter Wilson, Richard Altroc...
I have a theory on the HINI. It’s not to single out surviviors, just the opposite. Remember when the swine flu emerged last year. It was killing the young in the prime of their lives, 18-35. Then the vaccine came out and many got sick from the vaccine and some died. A US Navy...