mysqli扩展的安装 打开php 配置文件 php.ini,开启 extension=php_mysqli.dll 配置extension_dir="ext文件所在目录"(ext 即 extension 缩写,例:xampp默认路径 extension_dir="C:\xampp\php\ext") 重启服务器 执行phpinfo(); 如图即配置成功 另一种验证方式 extension_loaded('mysqli') 返回 true 即加载成功; ...
I have installed PHP 7 and MySQL 5.5.47 on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). I have checked installed extension using: sudo apt-cachesearchphp7-* It outputs: php7.0-common - Common filesforpackagesbuilt from the PHP source libapache2-mod-php7.0- server-side, HTML-embedded scriptinglanguage(Apache... “` 5. 重启web服务器(例如Apache或Nginx) ## 2. 配置php.ini文件 在使用mysqli扩展之前,我们需要在php.ini文件中进行一些配置。 1. 打开php.ini文件 “` vi /etc/php.ini “` 或 “` vi /usr/local/etc/php.ini “` 2. 搜索以下两行,并取消注释: “` ;extension=mysqli ;...
开启mysqli扩展的配置语句是( )。A.extension=php_mysql.dllB.extension=php_mysqli.dllC.extension=ph
Sounds like you don't have the mysqli extension installed or enabled... phpinfo() says mysqlnd in installed, and when I install msqli I get a similar display. AFAICT, there is nothing to do to "enable" it. If it's installed, it's enabled. Is there something I don't know (HIGHL...
把php.ini里面的extension=php_mbstring.dll这一行前面的 ; 去掉,然后重启服务器就好
I have already installed apache2, php5, mysql and phpmyadmin. The phpinfo(); script, don't show nothing about mysqli or mysql extension. When I try start phpmyadmin this error appear: --- **phpMyAdmin - Error** --- **The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration...
$ sudo apt install php8.1-mysql We install thephp8.1-mysqlmodule. A/etc/php/8.1/mods-available/mysqli.iniis created during installation, where the extension is enabled. PHP mysqli version In the following example, we determine the version of the MySQL database. ...
PHP MySQLi extension is not loaded,PHPMySQLiextensionisnotloaded 如何解决呢? yum -y install huozheyum-yinstallphp-mysql