mysqldumpproduces two types of output, depending on whether the--taboption is given: Without--tab,mysqldumpwrites SQL statements to the standard output. This output consists ofCREATEstatements to create dumped objects (databases, tables, stored routines, and so forth), andINSERTstatements to load ...
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT in --single-transaction mode to release metadata lock on table which was already dumped. This allows to avoid blocking concurrent DDL on this table without sacrificing correctness, as we won't access table second time and dumps created by --single-transaction mode have vali...
Description:The line: mysqldump -h host database -u root -p --skip-opt --add-drop-table will discard auto_increment attribute from dump without --skip-opt: mysqldump -h host database -u root -p --add-drop-table CREATE TABLE `user_contacts` ( `auto` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment...
mysqldump按条件导出: mysqldump -u用户名 -p密码 -h主机 数据库 a –where “条件语句” –no-建表> 路径 mysqldump -uroot -p1234 dbname a –where “tag='88′”–no-create-info> c:a.sql mysqldump按条件导入: mysqldump -u用户名 -p密码 -h主机 数据库 < 路径 ...
If you run mysqldump without the --quick or --opt option, mysqldump loads the whole result set into memory before dumping the result. This probably is a problem if you are dumping a big database. As of MySQL 4.1, --opt is enabled by default, but can be disabled with --skip-opt. ...
mysqldump without auto_increment mysqldump-u root-p-h<db-host>--opt <db-name> -d --single-transaction | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*\b//' > <filename>.sql使用 ifnotexists sed-i's/CREATE TABLE/CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS/g'...
(This means that\nSTART SLAVE can be issued without requiring a CHANGE MASTER TO\nstatement following RESET SLAVE.) However, connection parameters (which\nare now retained in memory even after RESET SLAVE is issued) are reset\nif the slave is shut down.\n\nIf the slave SQL thread was in ...
[root@rhel74 datetime]# vim 5_day_ago_without_skip_tz_utc.sql -- -- Dumping data for table `t_datetime` -- -- WHERE: create_time < date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) LOCK TABLES `t_datetime` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `t_datetime` DISABLE KEYS */; ...
Ok. Let me understand. If my database has big number of tables, I can't backup it without writing my own tool for making backup? Situation, when I let mysqldump create dump without table locking is very bad because it isn't possible for me to know a "time border". I can't know,...
How to mysqldump WITHOUT dropping any tables Question: Typically, my database backup process involves executing a command of this nature. mysqldump -uuser -p -hhost -Ddatabase > C:\TEMP\db_2018-04-05.sql In the specified file, there existDROP tablestatements, which typically poses no issue...