main函数返回后,mainCRTStartup还需要调用全局变量的析构函数或者atexit()所登记的一些函数。往深里说,是在链接生成可执行文件时,告诉链接器这个可执行文件的entry就是mainCRTStartup。当然,编程者也可以在链接时的命令行或者在源程序中指定本程序的entry,例如: #pragma comment( linker, "/subsystem:windows /entry...
MySQL startup - ERROR 2002 (HY000) Hariharan Sridharan June 17, 2010 12:15PM Re: MySQL startup - ERROR 2002 (HY000) Shawn Taylor June 22, 2010 07:55AM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copy...
No replication threads start on any channels. --slave-skip-errors Execution continues and errors are skipped for all channels. The values set for the following startup options apply on each channel; since these are mysqld startup options, they are applied on every channel. -...
--skip-slave-start No replication threads start on any channels. --slave-skip-errors Execution continues and errors are skipped for all channels. The values set for the following startup options apply on each channel; since these aremysqldstartup options, they are applied on every channel....
ready for start up 这条信息表明 MySQL 的初始化进程已经完成,系统已经准备好启动 MySQL 服务。基于这个状态信息以及你提供的提示,以下是接下来可能需要进行的一些操作和步骤: 1. 确认 MySQL 服务状态 首先,你需要确认 MySQL 服务是否已经启动。这可以通过系统命令来完成。在不同的操作系统上,命令可能有所不同:...
总之,如果您的 Flink CDC 任务没有从 checkpoint 中读取消费偏移量,有可能是配置、使用 savepoint 或...
MySQL的scan.startup.mode有三种模式: 1. Normal Mode:这是默认的启动模式,MySQL会扫描数据库文件,...
Bug #48349Mysql startup is extremely long after crash Submitted:27 Oct 2009 13:58Modified:9 Jul 2011 18:19 Reporter:Michael SkulskyEmail Updates: Status:Not a BugImpact on me: None Category:MySQL ServerSeverity:S2 (Serious) Version:5.1.39OS:Linux (CentOS 4.5) ...
Dear all. I m new to mysql and recently installed 5.0.24a on my XP SP2 machine. Server ran fine for a coupla days.I then noticed that mysql admin client can't connect (error 10061). MySQL windows service has stopped for some reason, can't restart from windows services. ...